hny + a project

Happy New Year! I hope this year will bring some peace, some justice, some rest, some liberation.

I’ve launched a literary magazine which will be online exclusively. It is called Angel Food after this nail polish. Please don’t tell Essie. I wanted an outlet for writing that I love and find urgent and important and while there are many lit mags I cherish publishing great work, there’s space for so much more good writing. Subscribe if you like to get updates. If you’re a writer, consider submitting work. The guidelines are here.

That’s all. I had a really weird New Year’s both because my grief felt very heavy for everything in the world and because I consumed way too many substances. I walked home really late through the East Village and thought a lot about that one Linda Gregg poem about walking through New York when you're kind of fucked up.

Much love to all,

Miri x


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